20 Signs Of A Bad Girlfriend And Easy Ways To Spot Them Instantly – (MUST READ)

20 Signs Of A Bad Girlfriend And Easy Ways To Spot Them Instantly – (MUST READ)

Signs Of A Bad Girlfriend And Easy Ways To Spot Them
When in a relationship we all tend to wear rose colored
glasses. That means that even when something is off we
overlook it for the sake of the relationship. That is fine
when your girlfriend leaves her hair in the shower drain,
but when things go from little pet peeves to actual signs of
a bad girlfriend, you need to make a a change or realize
you deserve better.
Have you seen these signs of a bad girlfriend?
If you are reading this feature, it is likely you have seen or
subconsciously realized these signs of a bad girlfriend. You
just want to be sure before doing anything drastic.
If something was gnawing at you enough to do the
research you probably already know the truth. But if you
need more reassurance or for me to tell you that you’re
overreacting, keep on reading.
How do you spot the signs of a bad girlfriend?
Recognizing the signs of a bad girlfriend are not always so
obvious. A bad girlfriend does not have to be someone
that is cruel or cheating. It can be a lot more subtle than
But where do you begin to look?
#1 In the mirror. Are you happy? Reflect on yourself. If you
are not happy in your relationship, there is a reason. Yes,
maybe you have been in a rut or it is long distance. But if
she is not making you happy, is it worth it?
This doesn’t necessarily mean she is a bad girlfriend, but
maybe she is a bad girlfriend for you.
#2 At your friends. Your friends and family are the first
ones to notice when there are early signs of a bad
girlfriend. Before you even notice it yourself, they will. So
if you aren’t sure, ask them.
You may constantly complain about her or bring every
conversation back to her, or vent about her nonstop. Your
friends are the ones that pay attention to this. If they hear
more bad than good about your girlfriend, she probably
isn’t the best.
#3 To the past. Think back to when you first got together .
Did she surprise you with your coffee order or with tickets
to your favorite band? Or maybe she just checked in
during lunch or sent cute texts.
If all that stopped, it doesn’t necessarily mean she is a bad
girlfriend. Ruts happen. But if she is not putting effort into
the relationship or you she is not be a good girlfriend.
#4 At your schedule. We all love hanging out with our
partners. But if all of your spare time goes to her, and you
rarely see your friends and family, something is off.
And vice versa. If she never makes time for you, that isn’t
good either.
#5 Social media. I hate to say it, but nowadays social media
can be an indicator of something bigger. No, it does not
represent real life, but it does show patterns. Does she
never post pictures of you together? Does she comment on
other guys’ photos or like their comments on hers? This is
not a clear cut sign, but use your common sense.
What are the signs of a bad girlfriend?
Now that you know where to look, what is it exactly that
you are looking for? Maybe seeing one or two of these
signs of a bad girlfriend is not the end of things. You may
even be able to talk to her and work things out.
But if as you read this list, you realize these things describe
your girlfriend more often than not, she is probably a bad
#1 She doesn’t listen. Sometimes we all struggle to listen.
But if she consistently talks over you or makes her
problems seem worse than yours, that is one of those clear
signs of a bad girlfriend.
A girl that doesn’t listen may not care about you and what
you are going through as much as a girlfriend should or a
good girlfriend would.
#2 She isn’t there for you . When you have a girlfriend, she
should be there for you just like you are for her. But if you
vent to her about work or your family and she dismisses
you, that is a sign of a bad girlfriend.
If this happens on occasion she may just be stressed or
tired or dealing with something herself, but if this is a
pattern you deserve a better girlfriend.
#3 She cancels plans. Canceling plans is not a relationship
sin. Things come up. But if she consistently blows you off,
especially at the last minute, she is not appreciating her
time with you, the commitment she made, or you.
She also thinks there is something better to do. The same
goes for if she leaves plans open-ended and never fully
#4 She avoids your family and friends. A good girlfriend
would want to spend time with the people closest to you.
Yes, sometimes we don’t like your weird friends or your
overbearing mother, but a good girlfriend puts the effort
in anyway.
One of the signs of a bad girlfriend is if you ask her to
come hang out with your friends or come to dinner with
the family and she declines. Plus, if she can’t give you a
decent reason why not, or worse expects you to do these
things for her… bad girlfriend alert.
#5 She tries to change you. All girlfriends may want to buy
their boyfriend some new clothes or get him out of those
cargo shorts for high school, but when it goes beyond that
she does not love you for you. It is normal to want to
make your boyfriend the best version of himself. But when
he resists ,you love him anyway, if you’re a good
If she keeps trying to change you from your clothes to your
job and even your hobbies or taste in music, she loves you
#6 You friends don’t like her. Sometimes we have to
overlook what our friends and family think to satisfy our
heart, but usually when the people closest to you see
something sketchy, it isn’t to be ignored.
Your friends are looking out for you and tend to see what
you can’t when it comes to a girlfriend. So, although their
opinions don’t mean everything, they can be awfully eye
#7 She is controlling. Does she always want to know where
you are and who you’re with? Does she try to check your
phone or analyze every female friend you have? This is not
only bad girlfriend behavior, but it is a sign of someone
who does not trust you.
#8 She is using you. If you think your girlfriend is out of
your league or it is too good to be true, sorry, but it may
very well be. Girls may come across as innocent, but they
have less than good intentions sometimes too.
If she only wants you around in a certain group or ignores
you until it is convenient for her, that is a major sign of a
bad girlfriend.
#9 She is a perfectionist. I don’t mean at work or when it
comes to organizing her cupboard. But if she makes a
mistake and can’t apologize because she can’t admit she
actually did something wrong that is a major red flag.
Everyone makes mistakes. We are human after all. But if
you cannot admit your mistakes then you can’t learn from
them and your relationship can’t grow.
#10 She takes you for granted. Whether you drive her to
work, cook her dinner, or feed her cat, she should make it
clear how much she appreciates all you do for her.
Whether that is saying thank you, returning the favor, or
making time for you.
If she doesn’t show appreciation for you being in her life,
she is not being a very good girlfriend.
#11 She treats you like an employee not a boyfriend. I think
some guys just get used to this kind of behavior and expect
it. I have actually dated guys who were shocked when I
asked for their opinion or asked them to do things instead
of telling them. And that is awfully sad.
If she threatens you or forces you to do things you don’t
want to do, even if that is just carrying her bags while she
shops she is not treating you fairly. Yes, a good boyfriend
puts up with stuff for his girlfriend, but she should
appreciate it, not expect it.
#12 She expects too much from you. Similar to the earlier
point, if she expects you to make big gestures, pay for
every date, and buy her flowers daily, she is not being a
good girlfriend.
Once you start expecting kind gestures instead of
appreciating them, things go downhill. Unless you both go
out of your way equally something is off balance.
#13 She can’t compromise. Compromise is a major part of
every relationship. A little give and a little take. You have
to meet halfway. But if she never gives and always expects
you to swallow your wants and needs for her, she expects
too much.
Yes, women deserve a man who respects them and treats
them well. But they need to offer the same kindness back.
#14 She manipulates. This can be a hard one to spot. Being
manipulated is not always so obvious. It can even be
twisted to look like compromise. She may use sex as a way
of getting what she wants, or even cry to get her way.
Or whats worse, she might threaten to ends things, to tell
your secrets, or ruin your life in exchange for something.
This is not good girlfriend behavior.
#15 She cheats. This is a major sign of a bad girlfriend, yet
some people still put up with it, or deny it. I have been
there. I dated a guy who was a serial cheater, but I just
told myself it was a phase and in the end he would come
back to me. Looking back, why would I want a cheater to
come back to me?
Not only is that unfair to you, but it also hits your self
esteem and trust hard for a long time. If your girlfriend
cheats there is no excuse or use in discussing it. That is a
sign of a bad girlfriend that cannot be overlooked.

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